Oklahoma Educators Credit Union strives to maintain a useful, informative, but above all secure platform for your online banking needs. To this end you can expect us to provide a secure and encrypted interface to our online banking product and loan application.
Your Responsibilities
While the credit union can take certain measures to protect your accounts and information on our end, it is ultimately the user who can best safeguard their personal information. When accessing the website, you agree to practice reasonable standards for security including:
- Using internet protection software (i.e. antivirus)
- Not sharing your password with anyone
- Keeping your password locked up
- Logging out when away from internet banking
- Changing passwords when you think it may have been compromised
- Not sending personal information by unsecure means (i.e. e-mail)
- Keeping apprised to new scams and fraud (see our Member Education page)
It is also important to keep your contact information up to date so we can get a hold of you if we notice any strange activity. You can call for a form or come by a branch to change your address, phone numbers, and e-mail when needed.
Links to Third Party Websites
The credit union’s website provides links to other websites not operated or supervised by the credit union. By clicking on those links, you agree that the credit union has no responsibility to ensure the safety of the website or the appropriateness of its content. Furthermore, no contract entered into by you and a third party will be honored or mitigated by the credit union unless specifically stated by Oklahoma Educators Credit Union.