** Fraud Alert: We have received reports that scammers are attempting to solicit online banking credentials through calls from spoofed phone numbers. Do not provide any OECU usernames and/or passwords to any texts or phone calls that request them. Click here to learn more. **

Teacher Grant Program – 2019 Application



    City State Zip

    Primary Phone

    Alternate Phone



    School District

    Job Title



    Amount Requested

    Are You an OECU Member?

    Brief Summary of Grant Request

    What are Your Goals?

    Who and How Many Will Be Affected?

    How Will You Measure Success?

    When are the Funds Needed? When Will the Project be Complete?

    Detail Your Budget Request

    Are Matching Funds Available?


    Would You Object to this Project Being Published in Your Local Newspaper? Please Provide Local Newspaper.

    Please feel free to attach any files pertaining to your Grant Request

    This information will be sent via unencrypted e-mail. Please do not provide any account or personally identifying information (other than what is needed to contact you). If you would prefer, you could also send your application by mail.